Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sales of the Toyota Prius in the U.S. endure in spite of everything

Sales of the Toyota Prius in the U.S. endure in spite of everything - Last year, the manufacturer of the ellipses was involved in a scandal calls to review car allegedly sped alone and very disappointed at the quality of its major markets. In this context, Toyota sold 66,039 Prius in the first half in that country.

This year, after a little matter of the case Pedalgate as was separating the chaff (denials and acquittals) of grain (true bugs), sales were recovering. The Yankees are not stupid, if you go up the gasoline, like more efficient cars. GM is swelling to sell peta Cruzes and Ford with the Focus.

But the earthquake and tsunami of March 11 Japan placed upside down. Factories dealing with hybrids like this move forward not affected directly, but its supply chain, reducing the number of units produced and therefore hurting the dealers.

The lack of stocks is what stops sales

Closed the first quarter of 2011, we sold 66,520 Prius, almost 2010 figures. We must mention that in June this year sales of the Prius fell 61%, its worst result since September 2004, why? They had more to sell! As they get off the boats and trucks with a proud owner (preordered almost all).

This car boasts a sad reward of all cars manufactured in mass in that market, is the most difficult to find again. Before the disaster in Japan, the factory was already at their fullest potential because the demand is out of control, you do not even announce it.

With $ 2 / gallon V6 and V8 are cool, but twice the price, go to stink and molar hybrid, the same with the four-cylinder highly efficient first sold only Asians and Americans now make, and certainly sell very well.

This that we are telling you it has nothing to do with being pro-Toyota or not, is a question of how to analyze numbers. Those responsible for the brand sold more cars believe that in 2010 (140.928 units), although its sales success came in 2007 with 181,221 units (this was before the crisis). Toyota is the third best selling in that market.

As you know, the family expanded with the Prius v (relative), Prius Plug-in (plug) and Prius c (compact). Throughout the decade the family expect Prius is the best selling country (passenger car category). Eye, is a massively ambitious aspiration, but not impossible. The more gasoline rises, more will have free advertising.

This brand has been too cautious with this car, I do not know what they expect to have two factories working triple duty, if the market is demanding. This factor helps depreciation is low, because if it is new, the resale market is the only option. Either that or the competition or to wait.

Predicted normal production in the U.S. later this year, but by September the Japanese hope to run and at full speed. The wait time can get to 9 months (time may result in Spain), but the intention is to replace one stock to wait three months.

Americans are not recognized or the mothers. For example, the top-selling Chevrolet cars are four cylinders, and for months. In a market where the diesel does not take off en masse yet, all that sounds like low fuel consumption is received with open arms, so say the sales data.

What is happening in that country also happens in Spain. There are hardly any stocks of the Prius, and the employee's third generation do not last long without an owner. This can prove who want to see that I'm not making this up. Those are easy to find are the second generation (2004-2009), any sale page ratify what I am saying.

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